The picture shows three children playing barefoot in a shallow stream. In the background is a large waterfall cascading down a steep rock face, surrounded by lush, green forest.
The picture shows four children standing in front of a wooden construction that looks like a kind of lookout point. The children are looking through openings in the construction into a green forest.
Elfí cesta v Obervintlu
Magická, čarovná a nezapomenutelná
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
Pokračovat ve čtení

Elfí cesta v Obervintlu

Co mě tady čeká?

Elfí cesta vede z Obervintlu přes vodopád Obervintler Wasserfall k mnoha atrakcím a nabízí zábavu a napětí pro malé i velké děti. Podél cesty vypráví jedenáct dětem na míru upravených stanovišť napínavá fakta a historky. Elfí cesta měří necelé 4 kilometry a překonává 150 výškových metrů. Túra trvá asi hodinu.

zvířecí stopy
pozorovat jeleny
včelího hotelu
vodopádu Obervintler Wasserfall

Co tady mohu zažít?

Na túře od parkoviště doprovází vás a vaši rodinu elf Lili. Trasa vede po cestě číslo 17 hustým lesem, kde můžete rozeznávat zvířecí stopy a pozorovat jeleny v oboře. Bosá stezka vám přiblíží vlastnosti lesní půdy a u včelího hotelu se dozvíte zajímavá fakta o pilných lesních včelách (a jejich tancích!). Naslouchejte cvrlikání lesních ptáků a pozorujte jejich čilý shon. Následně dorazíte k impozantnímu vodopádu Obervintler Wasserfall, který padá s hlasitým hukotem do hloubky 43 metrů.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Hned nad ním se nachází skalní balkon, odkud si vychutnáte fantastický výhled na Obervintl a okolí. Po všech těchto zážitcích si můžete odpočinout a udělat si piknik na lesním odpočívadle. Po zaslouženém posilnění vás cesta zavede dál k vodní elektrárně, kolem tarasu a zase zpět do Obervintlu.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Jak se sem dostanu?

Elfí cesta začíná na velkém parkovišti vedle kostela St.-Nikolaus-Kirche v obci Obervintl, která se nachází přímo za hlavní obcí Vintl u silnice Pustertaler Straße.

The picture shows four children sitting in a forest and playing with stones and sticks. In the background is an improvised wooden hut built from branches. The children appear to be playing with the natural materials in a concentrated manner.
The picture shows the feet of several children standing barefoot around a sign. A paw print is depicted on the sign and the text “Fox - volpe rossa (Vulpes vulpes)” can be read, indicating the trail of a fox.
The picture shows a sign with the inscription “Fährten lesen” and the Italian translation “Conoscere le impronte”. In the background, some children in a wooded area can be seen out of focus.
The picture shows four children playing together in the forest. They are building a small structure of sticks, stones and bark on the ground, surrounded by moss and trees.
The picture shows a sign with the inscription “Bienenhotel” and the Italian term “Le case delle api”. In the background, people can be seen out of focus in a wooded area.
The picture shows an information board with the text “Forest birds very close” in German and Italian in the foreground. In the background, four children are shown out of focus, holding their hands to their ears as if listening to the sounds of the forest.
The picture shows a picturesque waterfall in the middle of a dense forest. In the foreground, a clear stream flows over stones, while the waterfall in the background plunges into the depths, surrounded by lush greenery.
The picture shows three children walking uphill on a narrow, steep forest path. They are following a path that is secured with a wooden railing, surrounded by trees and green vegetation.
The picture shows four children sitting in a forest and playing with stones and sticks. In the background is an improvised wooden hut built from branches. The children appear to be playing with the natural materials in a concentrated manner.
The picture shows the feet of several children standing barefoot around a sign. A paw print is depicted on the sign and the text “Fox - volpe rossa (Vulpes vulpes)” can be read, indicating the trail of a fox.
The picture shows a sign with the inscription “Fährten lesen” and the Italian translation “Conoscere le impronte”. In the background, some children in a wooded area can be seen out of focus.
The picture shows four children playing together in the forest. They are building a small structure of sticks, stones and bark on the ground, surrounded by moss and trees.
The picture shows a sign with the inscription “Bienenhotel” and the Italian term “Le case delle api”. In the background, people can be seen out of focus in a wooded area.
The picture shows an information board with the text “Forest birds very close” in German and Italian in the foreground. In the background, four children are shown out of focus, holding their hands to their ears as if listening to the sounds of the forest.
The picture shows a picturesque waterfall in the middle of a dense forest. In the foreground, a clear stream flows over stones, while the waterfall in the background plunges into the depths, surrounded by lush greenery.
The picture shows three children walking uphill on a narrow, steep forest path. They are following a path that is secured with a wooden railing, surrounded by trees and green vegetation.
The picture shows a large wooden loom in a dark room, illuminated by a beam of light. Other historical tools can be seen on the wall in the background.
Zážitkový svět lodenu
Tradiční ruční práce
The picture shows three children playing barefoot in a shallow stream. In the background is a large waterfall cascading down a steep rock face, surrounded by lush, green forest.
Elfí cesta v Obervintlu
Magická, čarovná a nezapomenutelná
The picture shows a modern building with a round copper-colored facade and large glass windows. The lettering “Capriz” can be seen on the building and there is an empty parking lot in front of it, while wooded hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
Ukázková sýrárna Capriz
Sýr nade vše?