The picture shows a large wooden loom in a dark room, illuminated by a beam of light. Other historical tools can be seen on the wall in the background.
The picture shows an exhibition of historical clothing presented on mannequins. In the background are large, illustrated murals with historical scenes and texts explaining the context of the clothing on display.
Zážitkový svět lodenu
Tradiční ruční práce
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Zábavné fakty v Zážitkovém světě lodenu

Co mě tady čeká?

Loden je odolná, tradiční látka z ovčí vlny, která kdysi chránila pastýře a sedláky před zimou a brzy ji nosili i knížata a císaři. Jste připraveni na zajímavé náhledy a zábavné fakty o tomuto tradičnímu materiálu?Loden ist ein widerstandsfähiger, traditionelle Schafwollstoff, der einst Hirten und Bauern vor der Kälte schützte und den bald auch Fürsten und Kaiser trugen. Seid ihr bereit für interessante Einblicke und Fun Facts über den traditionellen Stoff?

interaktivním muzeem lodenu
Oberrauch Zitt

Co tady mohu zažít?

V Zážitkovém světě lodenu ve Vintlu o ploše 3 000 m² s interaktivním muzeem lodenu se můžete ponořit do výroby tradičních lodenových látek a dozvíte se vše o historii tohoto kvalitního materiálu a výrobě lodenového kabátu. Výroba je i dnes čistá ruční práce. Po prohlídce si můžete zakoupit lodenové zboží jako suvenýr. Navíc můžete nahlédnout do manufaktury jihotyrolské značky oděvů a krojů Oberrauch Zitt, která má obchod hned vedle Zážitkového světa lodenu.

Pokračovat ve čtení

S kartou Almencard máte mimochodem vstup do Zážitkového světa lodenu zdarma! Po prohlídce a nákupech se můžete posilnit v restauraci Lodenwirt. Hned vedle najdete ukázkovou sýrárnu Capriz.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Jak se sem dostanu?

Zážitkový svět lodenu se nachází přímo u silnice Pustertaler Straße, na výjezdu Lodenwirt. Před budovou se najdete velké parkoviště.

The picture shows a room illuminated in blue light and depicting a winter landscape. In the foreground are birch trunks, while the walls are decorated with pictures of snow-covered trees and mountains.
The picture shows an exhibition scene with life-size replicas of sheep. On the walls are large photographs of a shepherd looking after his sheep. The scene is dimly lit, highlighting the details of the sheep and the shepherd.
The picture shows an old wooden loom on which threads are stretched close together. The loom is displayed in a dark environment, which makes the details of the mechanism and the threads clearly visible.
The picture shows an exhibition of ski clothing from the 1930s presented on mannequins. In the background are illustrations of skiers and an old poster depicting the fashion and skiing of the time. A pair of skis lies on the floor in front of the clothing.
The picture shows a museum installation in which historical clothing is on display. Illustrations of scenes from different eras can be seen on the walls, including a view of the city. In front of the walls are mannequins wearing coats and other items of clothing, as well as a model of a sheep on the floor.
The picture shows a room illuminated in blue light and depicting a winter landscape. In the foreground are birch trunks, while the walls are decorated with pictures of snow-covered trees and mountains.
The picture shows an exhibition scene with life-size replicas of sheep. On the walls are large photographs of a shepherd looking after his sheep. The scene is dimly lit, highlighting the details of the sheep and the shepherd.
The picture shows an old wooden loom on which threads are stretched close together. The loom is displayed in a dark environment, which makes the details of the mechanism and the threads clearly visible.
The picture shows an exhibition of ski clothing from the 1930s presented on mannequins. In the background are illustrations of skiers and an old poster depicting the fashion and skiing of the time. A pair of skis lies on the floor in front of the clothing.
The picture shows a museum installation in which historical clothing is on display. Illustrations of scenes from different eras can be seen on the walls, including a view of the city. In front of the walls are mannequins wearing coats and other items of clothing, as well as a model of a sheep on the floor.
The picture shows a large wooden loom in a dark room, illuminated by a beam of light. Other historical tools can be seen on the wall in the background.
Zážitkový svět lodenu
Tradiční ruční práce
The picture shows three children playing barefoot in a shallow stream. In the background is a large waterfall cascading down a steep rock face, surrounded by lush, green forest.
Elfí cesta v Obervintlu
Magická, čarovná a nezapomenutelná
The picture shows a modern building with a round copper-colored facade and large glass windows. The lettering “Capriz” can be seen on the building and there is an empty parking lot in front of it, while wooded hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
Ukázková sýrárna Capriz
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