The picture shows a wooden viewing platform located on a rocky outcrop in the middle of a dense forest. Green mountains and a clear blue sky can be seen in the background, offering a sweeping view over the landscape.
Místní rekreační oblast Bunker Spinges
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Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Hry a zábava v místní rekreační oblasti

Co mě tady čeká?

V místní rekreační oblasti Bunker Spinges jsou na programu hry, zábava a relaxace. Je to místo pro načerpání nových sil a relaxaci pro velké i malé: Tady se mohou vaše ratolesti vydovádět, zatímco vy relaxujete ve stínu stromů nebo na letním slunci.

dětským hřištěm
starém bunkru
relaxačními lehátky

Co tady mohu zažít?

Místní rekreační oblast Bunker Spinges uvítá své návštěvníky dětským hřištěm, které se nachází na starém bunkru Alpského valu. Hřiště je vybaveno dřevěnými relaxačními lehátky (nazývanými rodinné solárium), dvěma skluzavkami, vodní atrakcí, balančními kladinami, šplhací věží a rozhlednou „Hans guck in die Luft“ s fantastickým výhledem na panorama hor a lesů. Po příjemné relaxaci nebo napínavých hrách se odsud můžete vydat na krásnou túru do údolí Jochtal. V určité dny se konají i túry s průvodcem.



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K samotnému bunkru vede asi 100 schodů skálou a betonem, chodby a prostory mají celkovou plochu 500 m². K vidění jsou ještě bojové pozice pro těžké kulomety, stejně jako protiletadlový kanón.

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Jak se sem dostanu?

K místní rekreační oblasti Bunker Spinges se dostanete pohodlně autem nebo pěšky, leží kousek nad osadou Spinges.

The picture shows a rocky hill in a wooded area on which a wooden structure has been erected like a lookout point or platform. In the foreground there is seating, play equipment and a slide tower, surrounded by dense green trees and a clear blue sky in the background.
The picture shows a dense forest landscape, in the middle a small clearing with grazing cows. Wooded hills can be seen on the horizon under a clear, deep blue sky.
The picture shows an aerial view of a building located in the middle of a dense forest. There are several benches and tables as well as play equipment around the building, and the surroundings appear calm and natural.
The picture shows a forest landscape with a small building in the middle surrounded by trees. In the background are green hills and valleys in which houses and fields can be seen.
The picture shows a small building located on a wooded hill, surrounded by dense forest and mountains in the background. The sky is clear and blue, and the terrain is covered by many green trees.
The picture shows a rocky hill in a wooded area on which a wooden structure has been erected like a lookout point or platform. In the foreground there is seating, play equipment and a slide tower, surrounded by dense green trees and a clear blue sky in the background.
The picture shows a dense forest landscape, in the middle a small clearing with grazing cows. Wooded hills can be seen on the horizon under a clear, deep blue sky.
The picture shows an aerial view of a building located in the middle of a dense forest. There are several benches and tables as well as play equipment around the building, and the surroundings appear calm and natural.
The picture shows a forest landscape with a small building in the middle surrounded by trees. In the background are green hills and valleys in which houses and fields can be seen.
The picture shows a small building located on a wooded hill, surrounded by dense forest and mountains in the background. The sky is clear and blue, and the terrain is covered by many green trees.
The picture shows a wooden viewing platform located on a rocky outcrop in the middle of a dense forest. Green mountains and a clear blue sky can be seen in the background, offering a sweeping view over the landscape.
Místní rekreační oblast Bunker Spinges
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The Anratter Hütte from the outside surrounded by a snowy landscape
Horská stezka Spinger Almweg
Originální, pohodlná a příjemná