The picture shows the view through a large, rust-colored metal pipe that is artfully pierced with leaf patterns. Outside you can see trees, a wooden fence and hills in the distance under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a grassy landscape with scattered trees in the foreground and a dense forest in the background. In a clearing there is an installation of several large stones surrounded by a metallic ring.
Cesta stvoření světa
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Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Rozjímavá a působivá: Cesta stvoření světa

Co mě tady čeká?

Cesta stvoření světa začíná u turistického parkoviště Zumis, k němuž se dostanete z Rodenecku, a měří 6,4 km. Na osmi stanovištích je zde znázorněn biblický příběh stvoření světa a cesta vybízí k zastavení a rozjímání. Končí u kaple Pianer Kreuz.

6,4 km
osmi stanovištích

Co tady mohu zažít?

Prostřednictvím uměleckých instalací jsou podél Cesty stvoření světa znázorněny různé dny stvoření světa: od stvoření nebe, země a světla přes stvoření nebeské klenby, rostlin, nebeských těles, ryb a ptactva až po stvoření člověka. Cesta stvoření světa končí u kaple Pianer Kreuz, která zve k modlitbě, zastavení a meditaci.

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Mimochodem se jí teprve v roce 2008 dostalo požehnání a vysvěcení z vrtulníku papežem Benediktem XVI. Posledním stanovištěm na Cestě stvoření světa je umělecky vyzdobená lavička u kostelíka Pianer Kreuz, který zve k odpočinku. Dostanete se k ní asi za 1,5 hodiny.

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Jak se sem dostanu?

Cesta stvoření světa začíná u parkoviště Zumis. K tomu se dostanete nejsnadněji speciálním autobusem Almbus, který jezdí z nádraží v Mühlbachu k parkovišti Zumis, nebo alternativně autem přes Rodeneck.

Zde najdete jízdní řád Almbus.

The picture shows a rust-colored metal plaque in the grass. The words “Day 1 - Light and Darkness” are engraved on the plaque.
The picture shows a view through a metallic sculpture with organic shapes. In the background are trees, a path with a wooden fence and wooded hills under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a rusty metal plaque with the words “Day 5 fish and birds” stamped on it. The background consists of natural elements such as earth, stones and tree bark.
The picture shows an art installation in a wooded area. The sculpture consists of an abstract fish and a bird balancing on a curved metal arch
The picture shows several abstract sculptures of couples formed from rough material and located on a path in a wooded area. The figures are standing or sitting close to each other, as if they are embracing or in close contact.
The picture shows a metal bench or sculpture on which the words “Day 7 - Completion” are engraved in several languages. The structure appears rust-colored and is located outdoors, presumably in a natural environment.
The picture shows a rust-colored metal plaque in the grass. The words “Day 1 - Light and Darkness” are engraved on the plaque.
The picture shows a view through a metallic sculpture with organic shapes. In the background are trees, a path with a wooden fence and wooded hills under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a rusty metal plaque with the words “Day 5 fish and birds” stamped on it. The background consists of natural elements such as earth, stones and tree bark.
The picture shows an art installation in a wooded area. The sculpture consists of an abstract fish and a bird balancing on a curved metal arch
The picture shows several abstract sculptures of couples formed from rough material and located on a path in a wooded area. The figures are standing or sitting close to each other, as if they are embracing or in close contact.
The picture shows a metal bench or sculpture on which the words “Day 7 - Completion” are engraved in several languages. The structure appears rust-colored and is located outdoors, presumably in a natural environment.
The picture shows two hikers, a man and a woman, walking along a rocky path in a hilly landscape. They are surrounded by low, bushy vegetation, and in the background is a wide, wooded landscape with rolling hills under a bright, clear sky.
Dálková pěší trasa Dolorama
Bohatá na výhledy a požitky
The picture shows a paraglider hovering high in the air above a wooded mountain. Gentle hills and a valley with scattered villages and fields can be seen in the background.
Paragliding v Jižním Tyrolsku
Vysoko nad světem hor
Cesta stvoření světa v Rodenecku
The picture shows an idyllic landscape with a sloping wooden fence in the foreground, consisting of tapered, natural wooden slats. Behind it stands a single tree in a green meadow, surrounded by mountain peaks under a clear blue sky.
Alpská pastvina Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Sen milovníků přírody a historie
The picture shows a castle and a church perched on a steep cliff. Both buildings are surrounded by lush, green forest that stretches across the surrounding hills.
Zámek Rodenegg
Impozantní obranný hrad v údolí Eisacktal
The picture shows the view through a large, rust-colored metal pipe that is artfully pierced with leaf patterns. Outside you can see trees, a wooden fence and hills in the distance under a cloudy sky.
Cesta stvoření světa
Zastavte se, užívejte a odpočiňte si
Cesta stvoření světa v Rodenecku
Na běžkách po alpské pastvině Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Jemně, požitkářsky a vzletně