Gitschberg Jochtal AG
The picture shows a peaceful Alpine scene with green hills and mountains in the background. In the foreground, a cow lies in a meadow, and in the valley below several traditional mountain huts can be seen, nestled in a lush, green landscape.
The picture shows a wide mountain landscape with a clear blue sky. There are some fir trees in the foreground, and further down you can see a mountain station with a cable car. In the background, mountains and valleys stretch as far as the horizon.
The picture shows a woman balancing on a railing outdoors and assuming a yoga pose (tree pose). In the background is a vast mountain landscape under a blue sky with a few clouds.
The picture shows an idyllic landscape with a sloping wooden fence in the foreground, consisting of tapered, natural wooden slats. Behind it stands a single tree in a green meadow, surrounded by mountain peaks under a clear blue sky.
The picture shows two people walking along a sunny, wide footpath. Above them, the sun shines through the branches of a tree and wooded hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
The image shows a young cow in a mountain meadow. The cow is standing in the foreground and wearing yellow ear brands; green hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
Tiskové informace
Lyžařská a horská oblast regionu Gitschberg Jochtal
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Další podporu v oblasti PR obdržíte od našeho tiskového pracovníka:

Désirée Plattner

Seilbahnplatz 34

39037 Meransen/Mühlbach

South Tyrol (Italy)

+39 0472 940 830


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