The picture shows a rustic, old building with a stone façade and wooden balconies. A wooden fence can be seen in the foreground, enclosing a small garden with green vegetables or plants. Green hills and a large tree can be seen in the background
The picture shows two older hands. One person is holding a metal jug and pouring fresh milk into a white container held by the other person. In the background, a house wall with a window in front of which red flowers are blooming can be seen out of focus.
Stezka po statcích Pfunderer Höfeweg
Původní statky a daleké výhledy
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
Pokračovat ve čtení

Putování po stezce Höfeweg

Co mě tady čeká?

Horská vesnička Pfunders je známá svou autentičností, klidem a idylickým prostředím. Stezka Pfunderer Höfeweg měří šest kilometrů a provede vás přibližně za dvě hodiny kolem několika původních statků. Přitom překonáte převýšení 250 metrů a ponoříte se do někdejšího života zdejších sedláků.

vodní atrakci na potoce Pfunderer Bach
vyhlídkové plošiny
muzeu času

Co tady mohu zažít?

Tato okružní túra je obzvlášť silným zážitkem pro milovníky historie a rodiny. Začíná u sportovního hřiště v obci Pfunders a vede kolem různých původních statků. V rámci prohlídky se zde dozvíte zajímavá fakta o jejich historii. Mimo jiné se zastavíte na statku Feurerhof s ledovým sklepem, v muzeu času v Parthofu (lze navštívit jen s průvodcem), v bylinkové zahradě, u časové osy s otočnou kostkou, u dřevěného xylofonu a v hostinci Hofschank Wieserhof.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Po cestě zažijete vodní atrakci na potoce Pfunderer Bach, z vyhlídkové plošiny si užijete fantastický výhled do údolí a na horu Eidechsspitze a na interaktivních stanovištích se naučíte mnoho nového.

Pokračovat ve čtení

Jak se sem dostanu?

Do Pfundersu se dostanete autem z Niedervintlu v Pustertalu, když se odsud vydáte směrem na sever. Nejprve pojedete kolem Weitentalu a pak dál údolím Pfunderer Tal, až se zhruba po deseti minutách na konci údolí dostanete do Pfundersu.

The picture shows several brown chickens standing around a large, round bowl of food and eating. In the background is an old, rustic building with a stone wall and a window in which red flowers are blooming, as well as a large, green tree.
The picture shows an old, weathered stone wall of a house with a window in which red flowers are blooming. A dog lies in the foreground, out of focus in the picture, while some chickens run around near the house. A green hill can be seen in the background.
The picture shows a child drinking from a glass of milk. The child is wearing a white headscarf with a pattern and a blurred, green mountain landscape can be seen in the background.
The picture shows a steep vegetable garden on a hillside where an elderly woman and a child are working. They are tending and watering plants. Green, wooded mountains can be seen in the background, stretching out under a clear sky. A rustic house with stone walls and wooden balconies stands at the edge of the garden.
The picture shows a close-up of a woven basket made from strips of wood. Two rusty metal straps attached to the basket can be seen in the foreground, with the structure of the basket and the cracks in the metal clearly visible.
The picture shows several brown chickens standing around a large, round bowl of food and eating. In the background is an old, rustic building with a stone wall and a window in which red flowers are blooming, as well as a large, green tree.
The picture shows an old, weathered stone wall of a house with a window in which red flowers are blooming. A dog lies in the foreground, out of focus in the picture, while some chickens run around near the house. A green hill can be seen in the background.
The picture shows a child drinking from a glass of milk. The child is wearing a white headscarf with a pattern and a blurred, green mountain landscape can be seen in the background.
The picture shows a steep vegetable garden on a hillside where an elderly woman and a child are working. They are tending and watering plants. Green, wooded mountains can be seen in the background, stretching out under a clear sky. A rustic house with stone walls and wooden balconies stands at the edge of the garden.
The picture shows a close-up of a woven basket made from strips of wood. Two rusty metal straps attached to the basket can be seen in the foreground, with the structure of the basket and the cracks in the metal clearly visible.
The picture shows a picturesque mountain landscape at sunrise or sunset, with deep valleys covered in mist and sunlit mountain slopes glowing in warm orange tones. A mountain hut stands on a ridge to the right of the picture, surrounded by grassy hills and conifers.
Horská stezka Pfunderer Höhenweg
Ze Sterzingu do Brunecku
The picture shows a rustic, old building with a stone façade and wooden balconies. A wooden fence can be seen in the foreground, enclosing a small garden with green vegetables or plants. Green hills and a large tree can be seen in the background
Stezka po statcích Pfunderer Höfeweg
Původní statky a daleké výhledy