The picture shows the view through a large, rust-colored metal pipe that is artfully pierced with leaf patterns. Outside you can see trees, a wooden fence and hills in the distance under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a grassy landscape with scattered trees in the foreground and a dense forest in the background. In a clearing there is an installation of several large stones surrounded by a metallic ring.
De Schöpfungsweg
overpeinzen, genieten en tot rust komen
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Contemplatief en indrukwekkend: de Schöpfungsweg

Wat kan ik hier verwachten?

De Schöpfungsweg begint bij Parkplatz Zumis, die te bereiken is vanuit Rodeneck, en is 6,4 kilometer lang. Op acht informatiepanelen wordt het Bijbelse scheppingsverhaal geïllustreerd en het pad nodigt uit tot overpeinzen en genieten. Het eindigt bij de bergkapel Pianer Kreuz.

6,4 kilometer
acht informatiepanelen

Wat is hier te beleven?

Met de hulp van kunstzinnige installaties langs de route worden de verschillende dagen van de scheppingsgeschiedenis gepresenteerd: van de schepping van hemel, aarde en licht tot de schepping van het heelal, de planten, de hemellichamen, de vissen en de vogels tot de schepping van de mens. De Schöpfungsweg eindigt bij de bergkapel Pianer Kreuz, die uitnodigt tot bidden, overpeinzen en mediteren.

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De route werd overigens pas in 2008 door paus Benedictus XVI vanuit een helikopter gezegend en ingewijd. De laatste stop van de Schöpfungsweg is een kunstzinnig versierde bank bij de bergkapel Pianer Kreuz. U bent daar in ongeveer 1,5 uur.

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Hoe kom ik hier?

De Schöpfungsweg begint bij Parkplatz Zumis. De eenvoudigste manier om daar te komen is met de Almbus, die tussen het treinstation in Mühlbach en Parkplatz Zumis, of met de auto via Rodeneck.

Hier vinden jullie de dienstregeling van de Almbus.

The picture shows a rust-colored metal plaque in the grass. The words “Day 1 - Light and Darkness” are engraved on the plaque.
The picture shows a view through a metallic sculpture with organic shapes. In the background are trees, a path with a wooden fence and wooded hills under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a rusty metal plaque with the words “Day 5 fish and birds” stamped on it. The background consists of natural elements such as earth, stones and tree bark.
The picture shows an art installation in a wooded area. The sculpture consists of an abstract fish and a bird balancing on a curved metal arch
The picture shows several abstract sculptures of couples formed from rough material and located on a path in a wooded area. The figures are standing or sitting close to each other, as if they are embracing or in close contact.
The picture shows a metal bench or sculpture on which the words “Day 7 - Completion” are engraved in several languages. The structure appears rust-colored and is located outdoors, presumably in a natural environment.
The picture shows a rust-colored metal plaque in the grass. The words “Day 1 - Light and Darkness” are engraved on the plaque.
The picture shows a view through a metallic sculpture with organic shapes. In the background are trees, a path with a wooden fence and wooded hills under a cloudy sky.
The picture shows a rusty metal plaque with the words “Day 5 fish and birds” stamped on it. The background consists of natural elements such as earth, stones and tree bark.
The picture shows an art installation in a wooded area. The sculpture consists of an abstract fish and a bird balancing on a curved metal arch
The picture shows several abstract sculptures of couples formed from rough material and located on a path in a wooded area. The figures are standing or sitting close to each other, as if they are embracing or in close contact.
The picture shows a metal bench or sculpture on which the words “Day 7 - Completion” are engraved in several languages. The structure appears rust-colored and is located outdoors, presumably in a natural environment.
The picture shows two hikers, a man and a woman, walking along a rocky path in a hilly landscape. They are surrounded by low, bushy vegetation, and in the background is a wide, wooded landscape with rolling hills under a bright, clear sky.
De Dolorama-Weitwanderweg
Genieten van vele vergezichten
The picture shows a paraglider hovering high in the air above a wooded mountain. Gentle hills and a valley with scattered villages and fields can be seen in the background.
Paragliden in Zuid-Tirol
Hoog boven de bergen
De Schöpfungsweg in Rodeneck
The picture shows an idyllic landscape with a sloping wooden fence in the foreground, consisting of tapered, natural wooden slats. Behind it stands a single tree in a green meadow, surrounded by mountain peaks under a clear blue sky.
De Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Een droom voor liefhebbers van de natuur en geschiedenis
The picture shows a castle and a church perched on a steep cliff. Both buildings are surrounded by lush, green forest that stretches across the surrounding hills.
Schloss Rodenegg
De imposante vesting in het Eisacktal
The picture shows the view through a large, rust-colored metal pipe that is artfully pierced with leaf patterns. Outside you can see trees, a wooden fence and hills in the distance under a cloudy sky.
De Schöpfungsweg
overpeinzen, genieten en tot rust komen
De Schöpfungsweg in Rodeneck
Langlaufen op de Rodenecker-Lüsner Alm
Zacht, aangenaam en enerverend