Gitschberg Jochtal AG
The picture shows a peaceful Alpine scene with green hills and mountains in the background. In the foreground, a cow lies in a meadow, and in the valley below several traditional mountain huts can be seen, nestled in a lush, green landscape.
The picture shows a wide mountain landscape with a clear blue sky. There are some fir trees in the foreground, and further down you can see a mountain station with a cable car. In the background, mountains and valleys stretch as far as the horizon.
The picture shows a woman balancing on a railing outdoors and assuming a yoga pose (tree pose). In the background is a vast mountain landscape under a blue sky with a few clouds.
The picture shows an idyllic landscape with a sloping wooden fence in the foreground, consisting of tapered, natural wooden slats. Behind it stands a single tree in a green meadow, surrounded by mountain peaks under a clear blue sky.
The picture shows two people walking along a sunny, wide footpath. Above them, the sun shines through the branches of a tree and wooded hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
The image shows a young cow in a mountain meadow. The cow is standing in the foreground and wearing yellow ear brands; green hills and mountains can be seen in the background.
Naše rekreační destinace
Srdečnost, autentičnost, otevřenost
Naše rekreační destinace
Srdečnost, autentičnost, otevřenost
Suedtirol Dolomiti Superski
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Gitschberg Jochtal: rekreační destinace

Kdo jednou trávil čas v lyžařské a horské oblasti Gitschberg Jochtal, ten se stále vrací. Ptáte se proč? Je to proto, že tato oblast zkrátka nadchne stejnou měrou milovníky přírody, historie i kultury. Impozantní Dolomity, které objasňují vznik pohoří, nejsou daleko a nabízí dechberoucí výhledy. Biskupské město Brixen okouzlí svým jedinečným šarmem a pozoruhodnými stavbami.

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Především však tato rekreační oblast nabízí řadu možností k aktivitám, jako jsou příjemné pěší túry, výstupy na vrcholy, cyklistické túry, koupání, lezecké parky, lyžařské středisko, běžecké stopy, plochy na bruslení atd. Proklikejte se těmito místy a vydejte se na virtuální cestu přední částí údolí Pustertal.

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Součástí rekreační oblasti je těchto osm míst:
The picture shows a snow-covered village in a valley surrounded by thick fog. High, snow-covered mountains and a wooded hillside can be seen in the background. A church stands out in the middle of the village and the sky is clear and blue.
The picture shows a picturesque village in the middle of a green, hilly landscape with meadows and scattered houses. Wooded mountains and a clear blue sky can be seen in the background, while wild flowers and grasses grow in the foreground. A church with a pointed tower stands prominently in the center of the village.
Prosluněná náhorní plošina
The picture shows a snow-covered town in a valley surrounded by wooded mountains. A church with a tall, pointed tower and several historic buildings can be seen in the foreground, while snow-covered mountains dominate the scene in the background.
The picture shows a picturesque town surrounded by green hills and mountains. Houses with red roofs and lush greenery can be seen in the foreground, while mist-covered mountains and a clear blue sky can be seen in the background.
Středisková obec s historickou atmosférou
The picture shows a wintry mountain landscape with snow-covered slopes and a valley in the middle. The sun is shining, the sky is clear and blue, and bare trees can be seen in the foreground. The mountains in the background are also covered in snow, creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.
The picture shows a picturesque Alpine landscape with a small village surrounded by green meadows and wooded hills. Snow-capped mountains can be seen in the background under a clear, blue sky with a few clouds.
Pfunderer Tal
Malebné, autentické, originální údolí
The picture shows a snow-covered landscape in the mountains, shortly after sunrise. The sun rises behind the mountains and shines light over the valley, which is characterized by snow-covered fields and hills. On the right-hand side of the picture is a small village, which is also covered in snow. The mountains in the background are partially forested and can be seen in the distance.
The picture shows a church and a building on a hill, surrounded by green meadows and dense forests. Blurred grass can be seen in the foreground.
Nekonečně zábavné výšlapy a rozsáhlé horské louky
The picture shows a snow-covered mountain village with a church whose red tower stands out from the snow-covered houses. In the background, you can see wooded hills and low-hanging clouds that partially obscure the valley below.
The picture shows a picturesque landscape with rolling green hills on which small houses and farms are scattered. A wooded hillside rises in the background, while a small church with a red roof can be seen in the village.
Kouzelná malá horská vesnička
Rekreační destinace na Gitschbergu
Rekreační destinace na Gitschbergu
Prosluněná jihotyrolská vesnice
The picture shows a wintry landscape with a village in a valley surrounded by snow-covered mountains. Snow-covered trees and hills can be seen in the foreground, while the sky is clear and blue.
The picture shows an idyllic summer landscape with green meadows and a village in the valley, surrounded by high, wooded mountains. The sky is blue with a few clouds and white flowers are blooming in the foreground.
Originální alpská vesnice
The picture shows a snow-covered landscape with a small village in the valley, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The sky is clear and blue, with just a few clouds, and in the foreground there is a single bare tree in the snow-covered field.
The picture shows a small bridge crossing a clear stream in a village. Houses and green hills or mountains can be seen in the background under a blue sky with a few clouds.
Řemeslné umění a lahůdky

Prázdninový ráj v létě i v zimě

Jaro, léto, podzim, nebo zima – které roční období máte nejraději? V lyžařské a horské oblasti Gitschberg Jochtal odpovídáme jasně: všechna! Tady je po celý rok co zažívat a objevovat. Lyžování, běh na lyžích a sáňkování v zimě. Pěší turistika, dobývání vrcholů, cyklistika a plavání v létě. A navíc ještě řada historických a kulturních lahůdek. Těšte se!

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